
Tuesday May 05, 2020
106 — Love Interest
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Josh and James go on their first date, with a little help from Nolan and Gwen. Noomi is being hunted by a pair of relentless gay mercenaries and Persephone’s first day on the new job gets a little out of hand.
Created by Justin McLachlan. Written by Justin McLachlan and Craig McLachlan. Starring Annie Chang, Jake Elitzer, Nanci Burrows, Kristina Mueller and Doug Harvey with guest stars Alex Aschinger, Steve Holm, Meghana Mudiyam and Denisha Pratt. Music and theme composed by Erik Jourgensen. Sound engineering by Erik Jourgensen, Emmanuel Ramos with additional engineering by Sam Morris. Produced by Justin McLachlan, Scott Sparks, Annie Chang, Craig McLachlan and Mike Diaz for PlanetM.